Sea Delight, LLC is dedicated to demonstrating the traceability of our products so that integrity and quality can be ensured by tracking each product from source to end-user.
On this page you can review our company's Seafood Traceability Policy which was developed with the cooperation of our NGO partner FishWise with the goal to better address the traceability of our products.
Sea Delight recognizes the importance of traceability in seafood supply chains for verifying the legality, integrity, and quality of our products. We are dedicated to continually improving our traceability practices for more robust tracking of products from the source to our customers. We are also actively working with our suppliers to ensure they are part of traceable, transparent, and legal supply chains. Our suppliers must be able to share documentation to demonstrate legality and traceability to the source when requested. We are committed to transparency in our practices and will report publicly on our progress towards this policy annually.
Traceability Commitments: Sea Delight will continue working towards industry best practices in traceability including standardized data collection for seafood products, supply chain traceability demonstrations, and engagement in multi-stakeholder traceability dialogues and initiatives. We will publicly report on our annual progress regarding these efforts. Specific time-bound goals for Sea Delight include:
Continue to improve data collection by building upon work underway with our tuna, mahi mahi, swordfish, crab and snapper sources by December 31, 2020.
Ensure MSC Chain of Custody certification for Sea Delight LLC by December 31, 2020;
Encourage collaboration within the seafood industry to promote interoperability of traceability systems.
Actively track developments of important emerging topics related to traceability, and anti-IUU measures on an ongoing basis.
Sea Delight tuna suppliers in Vietnam followed the VN Tuna FIP traceability system and cooperated with the VINATUNA Vietnam Tuna FIP Traceability audit in August 2019.
Social Responsibility Commitments:
Sea Delight will continue require a commitment to social responsibility from all processors providing our products including providing transparent documentation of progress towards credible social responsibility third party verification against recognized international standards such as SEDEX/SMETA, AMFORI, BSCI, SA8000 or other programs recognized by the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative.
Sea Delight will publicly support the efforts of international, government, public, non-governmental and private organizations currently working to establish a credible international third party verification standard for assessing labor rights and social responsibility onboard fishing vessels in both large scale industrial fisheries and small-scale community-based fisheries.
Sea Delight will continue to collect and track key information on each supplier’s responsible sourcing of products and social responsibility in the processing facility and at the source of raw material.
As an ongoing Working Group 1 member of the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) Sea Delight supported the GDST in creating approved Key Data Elements (KDEs) for an interoperable traceability system.
Sea Delight inspired the winning team at The GDST Traceability Hackaton held in June 2019 in Bangkok. Using the Sea Delight-designed Photo Observer App “COPPA”. IT experts created a “Photographic Protocol App” called “Blueprint” that solved problems relating to establishing and verifying important traceability Key Data Elements.
The COPPA Crew Observer Photographic Application sea trials were completed in October 2019 and will be used to expand catch and traceability data collection in the VN tuna fishery in 2020.
Sea Delight has designed and tested a new traceability system for the VIETNAM Handline Swordfish FIP. The concept was approved by VINATUNA in Oct. 2019
Sea Delight began planning projects with a major traceability technology vendor to begin using their traceability system in 3 fisheries targeting 3 different species. The system will be compatible with the GDST Interoperable Universal Traceability KDEs.